There are those that associate olive oil with breast milk. There are those who deny it, but we know in Italy olive oil is the first condiment that children take in the weaning phase. I remember being served bread with olive oil and salt, other times with sugar. Regardless of the food we eat, we know that olive oil has been with us since childhood. On the occasion of a regional project on food nutrition in schools, titled “Sapere i Sapori” we talk about olive oil as an extraordinary healthy and beneficial food. The students show us with funny expressions the difference between a perfumed oil and an oil that gives off a bad smell. When asked what oil they use at home, the answer is Grandfathers.

– Municipal Kindergarten “The Green Caterpillar”, Cori.
– State Comprehensive Institute “Cesare Chiominto”, Cori.
– Institute of Higher Education “Galileo-Sani”, Latina.